helping women succeed in leadership

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I’ve spent all my career working with women or leaders and often both, I have been one, I am one! There’s some reoccurring themes that sparked my passion for delivering this content and helping other women succeed in leadership.

Before starting my own personal development business 5 years ago I had 15 years in HR progressing to senior roles, sitting on leadership teams across multiple industries and multiple countries including UK, Australia and NZ. Manufacturing, government, education, data and technology.

Being in HR you have a unique position in that you’re often the coach and confidant of senior leaders. Not only do you get to sit on the leadership team but you get to be privy to the recruitment to that team, talent and performance conversations and see what everyone is being paid. I began to notice across countries and industries that women were generally the minority at these tables, generally the higher performers and most often the lowest paid. They were also generally last to put their name forward for promotions even when they were the most qualified. This has ignited a passion in me to close the gender confidence gap and one I had to close for myself first when progressing leadership, often in male dominated industries and then again when starting my own business. My passion is sharing this knowledge to help others succeed.

Combining my own experience, three books, my HR background and over a decade working with women in personal development I share the best kept secrets to help women progress their career development and become the leaders they are capable of being. I believe if we close the gender confidence gap, equal pay and the numbers of women in leadership will follow. After all if we apply for more promotions, negotiate our salary and are equipped with the tools necessary to navigate the leadership journey (which is still more challenging for women), our chances of success greatly increase.

So many of the women I work with are high performers, they’ve had promotions in many cases but still feel this doubt over their capabilities.  That they need to know all the answers, do more, prove themselves.  We talk about speaking up in meetings, commanding respect and building reputation.  Not in a way that we need to build more assertiveness (a common myth) but how we embrace our authenticity and build on our style to leverage our strengths and gain the confidence to succeed.

This is why I created my Women in Leadership Programme, now in its third year and available just once this year (2nd October) and in Wellington. A place where women can learn to be the leaders they are capable of being, how to navigate the world of leadership as a woman, build your brand, deliver results, develop resilience and confidence and understand the role of emotional intelligence. Inspire and motivate others by leveraging your strengths and embracing authenticity. And how to stop fear and self-doubt getting in the way, which is common if you’re a high achiever.

Often this can be why we play it safe. I’ve witnessed countless men ask for pay increases and training investment in them year on year, which is fair enough if you’re performing well (some still ask even if this is not the case!) Women don’t ask so much, we fear rejection, being told no and a lot of this is influenced from the way we’ve been brought up as girls. Whether it’s your salary increase or an investment in your development to go on a training course or conference the answer is always no until you ask the question. No is your starting point so sometimes you’ve nothing to lose by asking, especially when it comes to your own development. These days many businesses have money aside to invest in their women because we want more women in leadership roles, we also have a gender pay gap most organisations are tasked with closing, if they need any more convincing click here  

I can’t wait to work with you and look forward to sharing this to empower more women in their career development.

If you'd like to book onto the 2020 programme click here for details.  With an early bird discount available for those who get in quick this will fill up as there’s a maximum of 10 places only.