10 weeks to calm and contentment

With just two cohorts a year, we’re currently midway through a 10-week programme. To add your name to the waitlist to be notified when the next programme is open for booking, subscribe below and you’ll be the first to know when the doors re-open.


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A 10 week transformation to live a more present, connected, and purposeful life.  Embark on your own journey of self-discovery and transformation, unlocking the keys to lasting happiness and fulfilment.

In a world of progress and wealth, mental health struggles and burnout persist, leaving us feeling full but not fulfilled. Our relentless pursuit of happiness through possessions and achievements seems to lead us further from the goal, trapped in a cycle of striving but never arriving.

Do you ever feel there must be more to life than chasing external goals, always waiting for happiness around the corner? Never finding the time to do the things that really matter?  When we cultivate inner contentment, we discover a happiness independent of external circumstances. Using ancient wisdom to solve our modern problems, I believe happy humans make a better world.

This ten week programme only runs twice a year and includes weekly videos direct to your inbox, a community for discussion and learning, live ‘ask me anything’ sessions with Jess as well as your gift set including Calmony the book, the workbook and card deck to support you over the ten weeks.  Each week we’ll focus on a new activity as we put together your action plan and begin to notice the changes of increased contentment and a life you love.

This online programme is accessible from anywhere.  For less than $35 a week you get the chance to be the author of your own life and work directly with Jess to make it happen.  As well as weekly videos, you’ll get lifetime access to the whole course to revisit and retake the ten week programme anytime and watch the videos at your leisure.

  • 10 weeks to transform your life and go from full to fulfilled

  • Weekly videos direct to your inbox as we focus on each of the ten aspects of calmony

  • Actions and a workbook to support you along your journey

  • Your own copy of Calmony the book along with the associated card deck to inspire you to implement your learnings

  • 3 live ask-me-anything zoom sessions with Jess

  • All for just $349

  • Create your life by design and experience the freedom of a life well lived

  • Uncover your essence, everything that makes you unique and reconnect with your hopes and dreams to live a life of meaning and purpose

  • Master the art of appreciation so you can enjoy what you have

  • Find time to reconnect to the things that truly matter

  • Master your mindset to train the brain for positivity

  • Simplify your life to free up space

  • Learn how to navigate set backs and grow from challenges

  • Become more present, connected and calm

The pursuit of happiness is taking us further away from the goal. It’s where we’ve gone wrong. What if our fulfillment and wellbeing actually wasn’t about being happy? What if we focused on inner contentment, creating the conditions for calmony that brings about an inner happiness regardless of external circumstances.

I'm passionate about restoring the essence of being human—connecting with ourselves, each other, and something bigger. This programme offers a roadmap to navigate modern complexities and reconnect with what truly matters.

Drawing on thousands of years of ancient wisdom from various cultures, combined with the science of people psychology, we believe we have the answer and we’d love to share it with you.


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