Women’s Leadership Programme

We know that great people equals great business. We also know that we want to hold on to our diverse mix of talent, develop them and help them grow within our industry. It’s why we continue to strive for better statistics and outcomes in diversity and inclusion, and why we seek to support more women into leadership roles.

The statistics have not shifted significantly over the last decade and the government looks soon to follow Australia and UK in mandating we report these statistics.  As we’ve seen it work there and we know what gets measured, gets done.

Yet women say they often feel like they don’t ‘fit in’ in male dominated environments.  They can’t always find the voice to speak up or challenge and often confess to second guessing and doubting their abilities, despite their capability.  Many women still carry more of the load at home and are more likely to suffer burnout in a bid to prove themselves and juggle the expectations placed upon them both at work and at home.  As a result they don’t always volunteer for professional development or ask for support in career progression.  They can struggle with self promotion, they are often victims of the ‘double bind’ and if also an introvert or minority group those struggles are amplified.

I’m fortunate enough to be working with some forward thinking organisations across New Zealand over this year to change this.  To increase their representation of women around the leadership table and help them deliver on their diversity and inclusion agenda.

This is a unique, highly sough after programme and available inhouse tailored to your specific challenges.

Programme Outline (across 6 or 12 months)

  • Quarterly in person workshops

  • Online webinars and elearning modules

  • Implementation support and group coaching sessions. Monthly group check in calls and coaching support to help the group apply what they’ve learned, ask questions and share implementation experiences.  Includes best selling books and bonus resources designed to support learning.

  • Bespoke to your organisational needs, codesigned to directly address your specific challenges and outcomes

Learning Outcomes

By the conclusion of the programme participants will have learned:

  • to navigate the unique landscape of a woman in leadership

  • the difference between busyness and effectiveness and how to be productive

  • to identify and leverage their strengths and why this is important

  • to cultivate a mindset of confidence and success

  • to deal with self-doubt and turn down the inner critic

  • habits that lead to high performance

  • to build confidence to apply for promotions

  • to embrace their authenticity and understand their unique leadership brand

  • how to avoid burnout and manage energy levels

  • to manage change and uncertainty

  • to develop presence, impact and influence

  • develop the ability to inspire and motivate others

  • understand and leverage emotional intelligence

  • navigate fear and failure to build resilience and bounce back from set backs

Find out more about the Men as Allies, inclusive leadership programme here

Applications are now open for this years women in leadership residential programme - learn more

 Author of seven books and highly sought after leadership expert with a passion for gender equity. Find out more about what others have to say here.

Get in touch to see how we can work together and bring this programme to your workplace.