Burnout to Brilliance

Learn how to achieve peak performance without burning out in the process.

We live in a constant state of overwhelm and exhaustion whilst simultaneously striving for high performance.  It’s not sustainable and it’s why burnout has become so prevalent.  That was before the global pandemic which exacerbates the level of change and uncertainty leaving peak performance even harder to achieve.

Busyness is fashionable, we wear it like a badge of honour but it doesn’t lead to high performance. 

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Quantity does not always mean quality and being busy does not mean we’re productive, in fact the opposite is often true. 

  • Understand the difference between busy and productive

  • Work smarter not harder and master the habits of high performance

  • Understand the neuroscience behind thinking patterns and how to access a flow state

  • Learn strategies to cultivate a more focused, clear mind.

  • Be your best without burning out in the process

  • Overcome overwhelm, reenergise and build resilience

  • Improve productivity and effectiveness

Want to know more? Read a snippet of the introduction below

When I first sat and thought about being our best and achieving the unique potential that’s within us all Brilliance is the word that came to mind.  It’s the feeling you get when the sun lights up a room you’re in, or the first glimpse of the sun over the horizon at sunrise.  It’s that light bulb moment when you have an amazing idea and it’s the lighting up of your life when you’re living brilliantly.  It’s the 5 star ratings on your performance when you’re at your best and it’s the light that shines on others when you move through your work and life being your brilliant self.

The words we often to use describe brilliance and wide ranging but here’s a few of my favourites; brilliant = cheerful, happy, lively, optimistic, bright, clear, dazzling, light, positive, smart, intelligent, sharp, quick, talented, inspired, skilful, excellent

When we’re brilliant we shine and so light is an intrinsic part of this concept of being brilliant.  In fact it feels light to live this way and when we’re closer to burnout we know that’s a heavy load to bear, a darker place to be.

It’s why I love the lightbulb metaphor here and for me it also represents energy, which is key to us sustaining our brilliance.  When we’re at our best we have more energy and like a light bulb we always shine brighter when we have more energy.  Brightness is also synonymous with intelligence and of course when we’re being brilliant our intellect is at it’s sharpest and our brains are functioning at their full capability.

When I was in Bhutan, the Kingdom famous for Gross National Happiness in place of GDP I was surrounded by brilliance, in terms of the light emanating from the people and the priorities their government had around environment, culture and sustainability.  Many of the temples I visited had rooms full of butter lamps, there always seemed to be lights burning bright.  It is said in Buddhism that light is the knowledge that dispels the darkness of ignorance and this for me perfectly sums up this book.  How do we move from the ignorance of busyness and burnout to tap into our true potential and be brilliant.  The roadmap for burning bright rather than burning out.

This book isn’t really a book about burnout though (although we talk about how to avoid it) because it’s so prevalent.  It’s more about redefining peak performance and your roadmap for getting there.

We don’t become brilliant just by avoiding burnout yet burnout is one of the major barriers and something so many of us struggle with in our modern lives.  But beyond surviving burnout what is it that we do to achieve our potential, the reach our peak, to be our best and does it have to come with exhaustion, stress and anxiety?

When we’re at our best and we’re in flow what does it look and feel like, how can we get there more often and do more of our best work?  And what about when times get tough, how do we continue to shine in the darkest of times, manage change, build resilience and lead others through the storms?

My wish for those reading this book is for you to shine bright, to shine your light on others and to ensure that light never goes out.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?” Marianne Williamson